FAQS About Boilers For Your Home
The boiler system is a method of heating your home. It's the central unit of a heating system that sends hot water through radiators and taps to provide hot water and heat.
So, the broiler has two jobs: to heat your home and provide you with hot water. The system is a furnace and water heater in one unit.
If you're thinking of buying a home with a boiler or moving to this type of system for your home, you may have questions. Read on for some frequently asked questions about boilers and boiler maintenance.
Boiler Vs Water Heater: What's The Difference?
A boiler and water heater or not the same thing. While they both heat water, they work differently.
Boilers heat water quickly and turn water into steam. The steam travels through the home for heat and warm water. A water heater heats water and stores it in a tank when needed. The water heater doesn't provide the home with heat.
Boilers boil water, while water heaters simply heat stored water to a specific temperature. As the water in the water heater is used, it heats up cold water filling in the bottom of the tank.
What Are the Pros And Cons Of Having A Boiler?
There are several advantages to having a boiler in the home. For one, they don't make as much noise as a traditional heater. Other pros include:
- They are more efficient because boilers use less fuel to produce heat.
- Water vapor provides a more consistent heat than a furnace.
- Boilers mean better indoor air quality because they don't move air and bring in dust and allergens.
The biggest con is no cooling function. Unlike traditional HVAC systems, a boiler only provides heat. Boilers don't create cool air. This means you'll need to have an alternative method to cool your home in the summer. Boilers also take longer to adjust when you change the thermostat setting.
What Type Of Maintenance Do Boilers Require?
Regular boiler service is necessary to keep it running efficiently and safely. Like HVAC systems, annual boiler service ensures it's working properly.
During a boiler service, the engineer completes a set of steps to ensure it's working as it should. This includes removing components for inspection and cleaning. This ensures the parts are fit for use and show no noticeable defects.
The components that require regular inspection include the ignition pins, flue ways, main burner, and heat exchanger. Failure to provide proper boiler service leads to higher energy bills.
Boilers are a good fit for most homes. If you have questions about installing a boiler or serving an existing one, call a professional in boiler service for assistance.