Buying Custom Moulding Knives For Your Project Or Home Restoration
Working with custom construction or restoration of older buildings often means needing special tools that are specific to the work you are doing. Reproducing moulding is one example where this is the case, and the moulding knives that are required to cut the perfect profiles must be right, or the final product will not meet your needs.
Moulding Knives
A moulding knife is nothing more than a blade with a specific profile cut into that is used to create a particular design on wood or other materials used for interior moulding. The knives are typically attached to a joiner, planner, or moulder and then spun at high speed. As the material passes over the knives, a precise profile is cut into the wood, and the moulding is created. Using high-quality Williams and Hussey Moulding Knives or something similar guarantees the quality of the knives and ensures the profile is correct every time. The knives should be made from high-quality steel that is heat-treated to withstand long term use without damage to the knives. Over time, the knives' edge can become dull, and the knives will start tearing the wood. The knives can be sharpened, but it is best to have the manufacturer sharpen them to ensure you are not changing the profile. Even a small change in the edge can alter the design on the moulding and result in you having to contact a replacement moulding knives supplier to get a new set.
Standard Designs
When you are looking for moulding knives, looking at your options on the internet is an excellent place to start. Moulding knives are available in many shapes and styles directly from several companies, and they fill the standard need for most uses, but if you are restoring an older home, they may not have the knives you need. Contact the company or visit them online to see what profiles they have and if you can work with the moulding knives in stock. If you are using standards knives, you will most likely be able to get new ones from a replacement moulding knives supplier in your area when your knives begin to dull.
Two-Piece Knives
If you are cutting intricate moulding with a lot of detail and multiple angles or profiles, you may need a two-knife set of moulding knives. Typically these are used in a moulder to cut the first profile, then the second knife is installed, and a second pass cuts the final profile.
Many different options are available from a replacement moulding knives supplier, so take some time and talk to the supplier about what you are trying to do. They can help you select the right knives for the job.